Farmington Committee Talks Rocks, Pipes, and Bigger Garages: Nature Wins 🏞️

Farmington, CT – June 5, 2024 – The Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commission held a meeting to discuss various ongoing and upcoming projects, focusing on the environmental impact and regulatory compliance. The meeting, sponsored by Farmington Storage, addressed applications for development and site modifications while emphasizing the protection of the town’s natural resources.

Key Agenda Items:

1. 161 Belkut Natch Road Solar Project

The first item discussed was an application for a ground-mounted solar array at 161 Belkut Natch Road. The applicant presented a revised plan incorporating feedback from the commission. Key points included:

  • Trenching and Stone Procurement: The applicant coordinated with a local subcontractor for trenching under the driveway and sourced round river rock for stabilization.
  • Tree Preservation: No trees will be removed for this project. The ground-mounted array was chosen over a rooftop option to avoid the need for cutting 20,000 square feet of trees.
  • Upland Review Marks: The applicant and commission discussed future tree trimming within the 150-foot upland review area, ensuring the property owner understands the regulatory requirements.

The commission members had no significant objections, and the application was approved unanimously.

2. 80 South Road Site Plan Modifications

Megan Raymond, a professional wetland scientist, presented a proposal for drainage modifications at 80 South Road to address persistent standing water. The modifications include:

  • Drainage Pipe Installation: A 280-foot long, 12-inch pipe will be installed to manage water flow from the I-84 embankment to the wetland.
  • Minimal Tree Removal: The project requires minor tree clearing, which will not significantly impact the wetland.
  • Construction Safeguards: Erosion controls, such as silt fences and straw wattles, will be in place to protect the wetland during construction.

The commission discussed whether the modification required a new application or could be approved as a technical amendment. Given the minimal impact and urgency of the drainage issue, the commission voted to accept the application and proceed with approval at the next meeting on June 19.

3. 70 Wood Pond Road Garage Expansion

The commission reviewed a minor modification request for a garage expansion at 70 Wood Pond Road. The proposal included:

  • Expansion Dimensions: The garage will be increased from 24 feet 4 inches to 26 feet 4 inches in width.
  • Impact on Wetlands: The expansion will remain within the existing disturbed area, maintaining the original distance from the stream and lake.

The commission approved the modification with the condition that the expansion does not encroach further on the wetland buffer zones.

Future Items and Announcements:

Upcoming Meeting: The next commission meeting is scheduled for June 19, where the application for 80 South Road drainage modifications will be finalized.

Conservation Efforts: The commission continues to monitor local projects to ensure environmental protection and compliance with town regulations.

The commission thanked Farmington Storage, located at 155 Scott Swamp Road, for their continued support. For more information, residents can contact Farmington Storage at 860-777-4001.

The meeting adjourned at 7:49 PM, with all agenda items addressed and plans set for future action.

Watch the full meeting on YouTube: Farmington Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commission Meeting – June 5, 2024

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