Daily Arrest Report for Farmington, CT: July 10, 2024

Black and white stipple illustration in the style of the Wall Street Journal showing a chaotic scene in Farmington, CT with a police officer apprehending a running man, a woman being escorted out of a store with stolen goods, and two young adults causing mischief by trespassing and vandalizing property.

Breaking News: Farmington’s Criminals Unite for a Busy Day of Law Enforcement

In what can only be described as an unplanned community event, Farmington, CT, saw a flurry of activity on July 10, 2024. The Farmington Police Department reported four arrests in just 24 hours. It seems our local mischief-makers decided to give our law enforcement a run for their money. Here’s the lowdown on the town’s latest attempts at infamy.

Arrest Highlights

Larceny and Resistance: A Shoplifter’s Marathon

Daniel Christian Daniels-Manriquez

  • Date of Arrest: July 10, 2024, at 5:47 PM
  • Location: 1600 Southeast Road
  • Charges:
    • Larceny 6th Degree (because 5th degree larceny was too mainstream)
    • Interference with Officer/Resisting Arrest (pro tip: running rarely works)
  • Bond: $10,000 (Surety)
  • Remarks: Daniels-Manriquez was caught in an epic shoplifting saga. He tried resisting arrest, but his cunning evasion tactics weren’t enough to outwit Farmington’s finest. Held on bond.

Probation Violation: The Triple Crown

Daniel Christian Daniels-Manriquez (Again)

  • Date of Arrest: July 10, 2024, at 5:47 PM
  • Location: 1600 Southeast Road
  • Charges:
    • Violation of Probation (three times, because why stop at once?)
  • Bond: $40,000 each (Surety)
  • Remarks: Daniels-Manriquez clearly loves the police so much he got arrested again. Three re-arrest warrants, no waiting. Held on bond totaling $120,000. Someone’s going for a record!

Shoplifting: Bargain Hunting Gone Wrong

Frances Hornedo

  • Date of Arrest: July 10, 2024, at 3:31 PM
  • Location: 500 South Road
  • Charges:
    • Larceny 6th Degree (another trendsetter)
  • Bond: $1,500 (Nonsurety)
  • Remarks: Hornedo was arrested for shoplifting. She posted bond and left, probably to look for better bargains elsewhere.

Trespassing and Mischief: A Dynamic Duo

Rachel Pass and Matthew Sprague Smith

  • Date of Arrest: July 10, 2024, at 1:34 PM
  • Location: 1 Tunxis Mead Road
  • Charges:
    • Criminal Trespass 3rd Degree (breaking and entering’s cooler cousin)
    • Criminal Mischief 3rd Degree (art class didn’t go as planned)
  • Bond: $2,500 each (Nonsurety)
  • Remarks: Rachel and Matthew turned trespassing into an art form, complete with vandalism. Released on bond to plot their next escapade.


Farmington’s aspiring criminals put on quite a show on July 10, 2024. From the repetitive antics of Daniels-Manriquez to the bargain blunders of Hornedo and the mischievous misadventures of Pass and Smith, it was a day for the books. Kudos to the Farmington Police Department for keeping the town’s chaos in check.


This comedic recount is brought to you by Farmington Storage. Conveniently located at 155 Scott Swamp Road, Farmington, CT. For all your storage needs (including your questionable life choices), call them at 860.777.4001.