Farmington 1928 Construction Committee Meeting: Bids, Bricks, and Budget Balancing

1928 Construction Committee Reviews Key Milestones for Upcoming Projects

In its latest meeting on June 11th, the Farmington Planning Committee discussed several key milestones and future actions for the ongoing and upcoming projects within the town. Although brief and procedural, the meeting set the stage for significant developments over the next few months.

Agenda Overview and Key Decisions

The meeting opened with the approval of the previous minutes and confirmation that no public comments or correspondence were received. Chairperson Kathy Keegan led a detailed review of the upcoming project timeline, emphasizing the critical milestones and decisions to be made.

  1. Bid Approval and Posting Schedule:
    • June 11th: Approval of bid documents for site work related to the new construction at the Farmington High School site. The site work includes excavation, utilities installation, paving, landscaping, and preparation for the main building construction.
    • June 12th: Posting the bid, inviting contractors to submit their proposals for the site work.
    • Week of June 17th: Mandatory walkthrough with staff to ensure all bidding contractors fully understand the scope of work and site conditions.
    • July 9th: Opening of the site bid to review the received proposals. Due to the volume of expected bids, the regular meeting is proposed to be rescheduled to July 11th to allow ample time for review.
    • July 11th: Decision to award the site work bid based on the evaluations or incorporate it into the larger bid package if the pricing is unfavorable. Approval of the final bid documents for the full renovation project.
    • July 12th: Posting of the full renovation bid, which includes the main construction of the new high school facilities.
    • Last Week of July: Walkthrough for the larger renovation bid to provide prospective contractors with detailed insights into the project requirements.
    • August 20th: Opening of the renovation bid to evaluate proposals for the main construction.
    • August 27th: Awarding the renovation bid, finalizing the selection of contractors for the full project.
  2. Meeting Cancellations:
    • June 25th, July 23rd, and August 13th meetings are canceled due to the timing of bid returns and evaluations.

Discussion Highlights

  • The committee confirmed the necessity of mandatory walkthroughs for bidding contractors to ensure comprehensive understanding and adherence to project specifications.
  • There was a significant focus on coordinating the site and electrical work to streamline the process and avoid potential delays. Chris Healy, the project manager, emphasized the importance of proper trenching and conduit installation.
  • The committee also addressed minor details such as gymnasium flooring, specifically discussing the application of permanent basketball court lines and optional pickleball lines, as well as potential signage arrangements.

Financial Updates

Kathy Keegan provided a financial report, showing a remaining balance of $344,000 from the current invoices, with an overall remaining contract balance of $41,749. The committee approved an invoice from Innovative Engineering Services, LLC, totaling $885,000 as part of ongoing project expenditures.

Other Business

The committee encouraged the community to participate in the “Buy a Brick” program, which remains a popular fundraising initiative, helping to commemorate the new site while raising funds. Acknowledgment was also made to the Farmington High School’s new building, set to open in August, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony scheduled for August 26th at 5 PM at 10 Monteith Drive, Farmington, CT 06032.

Detailed Meeting Summary

  • Chairperson’s Report: Kathy Keegan reviewed the project timeline and upcoming milestones. Chris Healy confirmed the site work and bid schedule, emphasizing the need for mandatory walkthroughs for all bidding contractors.
  • Approval of Site Work Bid Documents: The committee unanimously approved the site work bid documents, which will be posted on June 12th.
  • Financial Report: Kathy Keegan presented a detailed financial report. The current project invoices total $885,000, with a remaining balance of $344,000. The overall contract amount is $1,885,000, leaving a remaining balance of $41,749.
  • Meeting Cancellations: Due to the timing of bid returns and evaluations, the committee decided to cancel the meetings scheduled for June 25th, July 23rd, and August 13th.
  • Buy a Brick Program: The committee discussed the ongoing success of the “Buy a Brick” program, which allows community members to purchase personalized bricks that will be installed at the new site. This initiative has been well-received and continues to attract interest.


The meeting concluded with a reaffirmation of the project’s timelines and the committee’s commitment to staying on budget and on schedule. The session was adjourned with plans to update the town’s website to reflect all changes in the meeting schedule and project timelines.


This article is brought to you by Farmington Storage, located at 155 Scott Swamp Road, Farmington, CT 06032. For your storage needs, contact Farmington Storage at 860-777-4001. Thank you for your support.


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