Farmington Bicycle Advisory Meeting Recap: Trail Grant Delays, Monteith Extension Setback, and Community Outreach Initiatives

Black and white stipple illustration of a town meeting with people discussing documents around a table, set in a town hall with a chalkboard and map in the background.

Farmington July 10, 2024 Meeting Update: Thrilling Delays and Monumental Plans

FARMINGTON, CT — Hold onto your hats, Farmington! The latest town meeting on July 10, 2024 was a nail-biter. Here’s a blow-by-blow of the scintillating events, complete with the unadulterated drama and excitement you’ve come to expect.

Recreational Trails Grant Update: Waiting Game Continues

Bruce McAllister, our local oracle of delayed gratification, updated the recreational trails grant. “We are currently in a holding pattern waiting for DEEP to write our contract for the project,” McAllister intoned, as everyone settled in for a few more months of suspense. He added, “This could take anywhere from two to three months if not longer,” setting the stage for what promises to be the most thrilling game of bureaucratic chicken ever witnessed.

Monteith Extension: The Year-Long Cliffhanger

Brace yourselves: the town’s attempt to secure a grant for the Monteith extension project has flopped, pushing it back by at least a year. “The town was unsuccessful in securing the grant for that design project,” McAllister announced, dampening spirits more effectively than a summer downpour. But don’t worry, Farmington’s not giving up! McAllister assured, “We’ll be working with Krog to resubmit under the RAISE program,” promising at least another year’s worth of anticipation.

Farmington Valley Trails Council Update: The Water Fountain Fiasco

And in the highlight of the evening, the water fountain installation at the Oak Ridge New Britain Ave parking lot has hit a snag. “We can’t test to make sure the water’s on,” McAllister lamented, explaining that a crushed gate valve access pipe has thrown a wrench in the works. Connecticut Water is on the case, and the fountain is expected by August—mark your calendars for what could be the most highly anticipated hydration event of the year.

But wait, there’s more! The town is brainstorming other memorial options like bike racks and repair stations. Ron Wisner proposed, “What about some sculptures?” Because nothing says “memorial” like a rusting hunk of metal on the side of a bike trail.

Bike League Application: The Data Dilemma

Farmington’s application to the League of American Cyclists is in! “We had to use 2010’s data,” McAllister explained, because 2020’s data is still hiding somewhere. Reviewers will take two to three months to process the application, during which we can all hold our collective breath.

Community Outreach: The Excitement Never Ends

The committee is diving into community outreach with all the gusto of a PTA bake sale. Upcoming events include seminars on bike safety at the local library in December and a presence at Disney Night on August 21st at the Staples House. “We’ll have a table there and hand out safety information,” Carolyn Stoddard revealed, in a move sure to set the hearts of safety enthusiasts aflutter. Pedalpalooza is also slated to return in October, assuming a fearless young leader emerges to spearhead the event.

Website and Rebranding: A New Name for a New Era

Ron Wisner noted, “We do need to update and augment the town website for sure.” The committee also flirted with the idea of rebranding to the Farmington Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, because nothing screams “active transportation” like a bureaucratic name change.

Miscellaneous Updates: Artistic Aspirations

Other initiatives include potential Eagle Scout projects and updating the Farmington Valley Trails Council’s signage. McAllister stressed, “I just want to be consistent with the rest of the trail.” Consistency: the unsung hero of municipal meetings.

Conclusion: The Thrills Will Continue

The meeting wrapped up with a review of minutes and a vote to adjourn. The next meeting is scheduled for September, where the anticipation will continue to build.

Thank You to Our Sponsor

This riveting account of the Farmington town meeting is brought to you by Farmington Storage, located at 155 Scott Swamp Road. For your storage needs, contact them at 860.777.4001. Thank you, Farmington Storage, for keeping our community’s excitement under lock and key.

For more updates and news about Farmington, visit We Are Farmington.