Farmington Crime Report: Where Larceny Meets Colonial Charm and Harassment Feels Right at Home 🌳🚔

Stipple illustration of a colonial house in Farmington, CT, with a police car and officer, symbolizing recent small-town arrests.

Farmington’s Finest: A Rundown of the Latest Arrests in the Land of Quaint Charm and Quainter Crimes

Farmington, CT—Ah, Farmington, where the rolling hills meet the gentle hum of everyday life. A town so picturesque, it’s almost easy to forget that beneath the surface of our manicured lawns and colonial facades lies the occasional brush with the law. And by occasional, we mean the steady stream of arrests that remind us that even in our charming little town, not all is as peaceful as a Farmington sunset.

Let’s take a moment to stroll through the latest happenings with the Farmington Police Department, who’ve been busy keeping our streets safe, one bizarre incident at a time.

Larceny and Larceny Lite: The Tale of Thanh Chi Pham

First, we have the misadventures of Thanh Chi Pham, a 38-year-old Hartford resident who decided to add a touch of criminal flair to his visit to Farmington on August 1st. Pham was arrested on New Britain Avenue, not far from the idyllic surroundings we all cherish. Charged with larceny in the fifth degree and, for added measure, the use of drug paraphernalia, Pham showed that sometimes it’s the little things that count—or don’t, as the case may be when you’re caught.

Not one to hang around, Pham posted bond and likely high-tailed it back to Hartford, perhaps to ponder why larceny in Farmington doesn’t pay off as well as one might think.

Evading and Evasion: The Chronicles of Pablo Feliciano

Not too far from where Pham had his brush with the law, Pablo Feliciano, a 44-year-old from New Britain, also found himself on the wrong side of Farmington’s finest. Arrested on charges ranging from evading responsibility after property damage to driving without the proper insurance, Feliciano gave a masterclass on what not to do on Farmington Avenue. Perhaps the most intriguing charge? Failing to notify the DMV of a change of address. Because we take our paperwork seriously in Farmington.

After posting bond, Feliciano likely left Farmington with a new appreciation for the town’s commitment to administrative detail and public safety.

Harassment Hijinks: Derrick Derrel Adams

Moving along, we have Derrick Derrel Adams, a 37-year-old from New Britain, whose Thursday morning started with a visit to the Farmington Police Department. Adams was booked for harassment in the second degree—twice, just for good measure. Held on a $15,000 bond, Adams is now well-acquainted with the hospitality of Farmington’s legal system. Whether or not he’ll be returning to our town anytime soon remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure: harassment is not how we do things in Farmington.

Protective Orders? Optional for Some

Last but certainly not least, we dive into the escapades of Felipe Santiago, a 51-year-old from New Britain, who found himself under arrest on August 1st. His crime? A trifecta of violating protective orders and restraining orders. Santiago, it seems, thought he could outmaneuver the long arm of the Farmington law. Unfortunately for him, our police are more than capable of reining in those who believe court orders are mere suggestions. Held on a $15,000 bond, Santiago might want to reconsider his approach to legal constraints.

A Grateful Nod to Our Sponsor

As we wrap up this tour of Farmington’s latest arrests, a special thank you goes out to Farmington Storage at 155 Scott Swamp Road for keeping our town’s prized possessions—lawful and not-so-lawful—safe and sound. Whether you need a place to store your treasured heirlooms or the more questionable items, Farmington Storage covers you. Call them at 860.777.4001, and tell them you’re from Farmington, where we do storage and, sometimes, a little more.

Stay tuned for more updates from the town, where even the arrests come with a side of charm!


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