Farmington’s Latest Arrests: Domestic Disputes, Speeding Incidents, and Larceny Cases

A black and white stipple illustration of a police car with flashing lights parked on a suburban street in Farmington, CT, with a New England colonial house and trees in the background.

Arrests in Farmington: A Spirited Breakdown of the Week’s Events

Ah, Farmington, CT—home to picturesque landscapes, colonial charm, and, occasionally, a colorful arrest log that spices up the town’s tranquility. This week has been no exception. Here at We Are Farmington, we’ve compiled the most riveting details of the recent run-ins with the law to keep you entertained, informed, and maybe even a little bemused.

Sunset Terrace: Not So Peaceful After All

Nicholas G. Karangekis, a 66-year-old Sunset Terrace resident, was handcuffed on the evening of July 25th. Arresting officer Tolman Kevin C. nabbed him on charges of breach of peace in the second degree. The kerfuffle, stemming from a domestic dispute, ended with Karangekis posting a $5,000 bond. Nothing says “domestic bliss” like a night at 51 Sunset Terrace, right?

Larceny Loves Company

July 23rd and 24th brought their share of larceny enthusiasts into the spotlight. Michael J. Smith, a 23-year-old from Hartford, was arrested in Newington for sixth-degree larceny. A mere $500 bond later, Smith was back in the wild, presumably clutching his loot tighter than ever. Meanwhile, Anthony C. Lustrinelli, a 71-year-old from East Windsor, couldn’t resist the siren call of fifth-degree larceny at 399 Farmington Avenue. Released on a promise to appear, Lustrinelli surely left the scene pondering the high price of petty theft.

Fast and Furious: Farmington Edition

John M. Finn, 28, of New Britain, decided that the roads of Farmington were his racetrack. Arrested at the unholy hour of 12:47 AM on July 27th, Finn faced a litany of charges, including speeding over 60 mph, improper use of markers, operating an unregistered vehicle, and, oh yes, DUI. With a bond set at $5,000, Finn’s joyride ended as abruptly as it began—on Scott Swamp Road, no less.

Domestic Drama: A Recurrent Theme

Farmington Police kept busy with more domestic discord. Daniel R. Aparo, 66, was brought in for violating the conditions of his release. Kevin C. Tolman (yes, the same dedicated officer) managed another arrest, ensuring Aparo spent a memorable day at the Farmington Police Department before posting a $10,000 bond.

Meanwhile, Aaron M. Benham, a 53-year-old from Southington, felt the sting of violating a standing criminal protective order. Arrested on Litchfield Road, Benham’s actions led to a non-surety bond of $10,000. It seems Litchfield Road offers more than scenic drives.

Discover More Farmington Follies

If this week’s arrest roundup has whetted your appetite for more Farmington intrigue, be sure to check out some of our other captivating pieces:

Special Thanks to Our Sponsor

This arrest report is brought to you by Farmington Storage, conveniently located at 155 Scott Swamp Road. Need a place to store your treasures (or ill-gotten gains)? Give them a call at 860.777.4001. Farmington Storage: Keeping your belongings safe, no matter what the police blotter says about you.

Stay tuned, stay curious, and most importantly, stay out of trouble, Farmington!

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