Farmington’s New ADU Regulations in Action: A Case Study

Farmington, CT – May 6, 2024

On Monday evening, the Town Plan and Zoning Commission of Farmington met to review several local projects, including a significant application under the town’s new Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) regulations. Noreen Galvin’s proposal to convert a finished space above her detached garage into an ADU marks one of the first tests of the recently updated zoning laws to increase affordable housing options in the area.

An Innovative Housing Solution

John Galvin, representing his sister Noreen, presented the application to the commission. “We’re looking to take what is already a finished space above the detached garage and convert it to an ADU,” Galvin explained. Previously a music studio, the space will become a small apartment for Noreen’s partner’s mother. In the interim, the family plans to rent it out to help offset renovation costs.

The updated ADU regulations, part of Farmington’s affordable housing plan, are designed to provide flexible living arrangements and more affordable housing options. The proposed ADU at 162 Wood Pond Road aligns with these guidelines, offering a practical solution to the town’s housing needs without altering the neighborhood’s character.

Community Concerns and Adjustments

Despite the proposal’s alignment with new regulations, it faced some challenges. During the public hearing, neighboring residents raised concerns about privacy and potential drainage issues. “My main concern at this point—and we did not bring it up at the last meeting because we were led to believe that drainage would be a subject for this meeting,” stated Jeffrey Moors, a neighboring homeowner.

The Galvins agreed to remove a window and a deck from the plans to address privacy concerns. “The plan showed a window facing the neighbor, and there’s also a deck there. We’ve changed the plans to remove that window and the deck,” Galvin confirmed during the meeting.

Approval and Implementation

Despite these concerns, the commission voted in favor of the application, recognizing its compliance with the new ADU regulations and potential positive impact on the community. “I think it meets all the requirements for a special permit here in Farmington. It fits the neighborhood’s character, it’s an existing structure,” noted Commissioner David St. Germain.

The project’s approval is a significant step forward for Farmington’s affordable housing initiatives, demonstrating the practical application of the new ADU regulations. As these units become more common, they offer a promising solution to housing challenges, providing residents with flexible and affordable living options.

Looking Ahead

The successful approval of the Galvin family’s ADU marks an encouraging start for Farmington’s new zoning laws. As more homeowners explore the potential of ADUs, the community can look forward to increased housing diversity and affordability, contributing to a more inclusive and vibrant town.

Contact Information

For further details on the project or to view the proposal, interested parties can visit the Farmington Town Hall website or contact the planning department at 860-675-2325.


Remember, Farmington Storage has you covered if you need to store your ADU blueprints, extra furniture, or those random boxes you keep promising to sort through! Call them at 860.777.4001 and tell them We Are Farmington sent you!

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