UPDATED – Gerry Smith vs. Matthew Corey: A Detailed Comparison of Connecticut’s Republican Senate Candidates

A stipple drawing in the style of the Farmington Mercury depicting a surprised man in Farmington, CT listening to a podcast on his smartphone. In the background, the U.S. Capitol and voting booths symbolize democracy.

The Farmington Mercury: A Comprehensive Look at the Candidates for U.S. Senate – Gerry Smith vs. Matthew Corey

Farmington, CT — In Farmington’s quaint, serene town, the political scene is heating up as registered Republicans prepare to choose between Gerry Smith and Matthew Corey in the upcoming primary on August 13th. Yes, you read that right—people are excited about a primary election. Even in a state where the odds of a Republican beating Democratic Senator Chris Murphy are about as good as a snowball’s chance in a Farmington summer, the enthusiasm is palpable.

The Candidates: Gerry Smith and Matthew Corey

Gerry Smith: A Proven Politician

[[UPDATE August 6, 2024]] Mr. Smith’s campaign contacted us and pointed out some factual errors about his background. The following update reflects the corrected information. Apologies to Mr. Smith and his campaign.

Gerry Smith’s journey from a small-town upbringing in Tarrytown, NY, to a respected political figure in Connecticut is marked by a deep commitment to public service and civic duty. Raised with a strong sense of responsibility, Smith’s career spans lending and real estate, where he counseled struggling families and created budgets, gaining firsthand knowledge of the challenges faced by everyday citizens. This experience has only solidified his resolve to address these issues, which he deems even more pressing in today’s economic climate.

Smith’s entrepreneurial ventures further shaped his perspective on the impact of governmental policies on small businesses. His tenure as First Selectman of Beacon Falls is a testament to his leadership and dedication, where he championed policies to benefit the community, earning widespread respect and admiration. Smith’s approach to governance is characterized by making tough decisions for the greater good rather than seeking easy popularity.

In August 2023, Gerry Smith announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate, bringing his extensive experience in public service and business to the forefront. His campaign focuses on practical solutions and bipartisan cooperation to address pressing issues such as economic growth, healthcare reform, and educational improvements. Smith advocates for free-market solutions, tax cuts for small businesses, and reducing federal regulations to stimulate economic expansion. He also emphasizes the need for educational reforms, increased public school funding, and school choice initiatives.

Smith’s policies reflect a comprehensive approach to national issues, including a competitive healthcare system, comprehensive immigration reform, and a strong military. He recognizes the importance of addressing climate change and supports investments in renewable energy while balancing environmental protection with economic growth. Smith’s campaign is driven by a pragmatic, results-oriented governance philosophy that seeks to transcend partisan politics for meaningful outcomes.

“I’m the better candidate,” Smith confidently declared in a recent sit-down with Dennis House on WTNH’s “This Week in Connecticut.” “Whether it’s statewide, local—I’m a proven winner, a proven leader, and I can win this election.”

Matthew Corey: The Businessman and Veteran

Matthew McKinnon Corey was born January 11, 1964, in Hartford, CT, and is a lifelong resident of Manchester, CT. His parents, Frederick Thomas Corey and Marie Jean Corey, came to Hartford in 1951 for better job opportunities after Matt’s father served in WWII.

Matt enlisted in the United States Navy in 1982. He was deployed to Beirut in 1983 and served in the Navy until 1987, receiving an Honorable Discharge. Following his military service, Matt worked for the United States Postal Service and for the Teamsters. In 1990, Matt opened Advanced Services International, providing window cleaning services for several high-rise buildings throughout Connecticut. Matt also owned and operated McKinnon’s Pub in Hartford, which had been open since 2002. He owns and operates The One Wood Pub at East Hartford Golf Course.

As a business owner and a resident, Matt understands how both action and inaction have impacted Connecticut’s residents and business owners alike, whether in daily life, professional ventures, or long-term goals. Corey’s extensive experience in both the private sector and public service forms the cornerstone of his political platform.

“I took those battles on when nobody wanted to take them on,” Corey retorted, channeling his inner Rocky Balboa. “And I’m still in the fight because I haven’t quit.”

Policy Highlights and Stances

So, what makes these two candidates tick? Here’s a detailed look at their policies and how they compare.

Economic Policies

Gerry Smith: Smith is all about the free market. He’s convinced that less regulation will make businesses sprout like weeds in your garden. His plan includes tax cuts for small businesses and reducing federal regulations to foster innovation and expansion.

“Our economy thrives when businesses can operate with fewer burdensome regulations,” Smith noted, as if he were revealing a hidden ancient truth. “I intend to create an environment where entrepreneurship can flourish, benefiting all Connecticut residents.”

Matthew Corey: Corey emphasizes building a strong economy by controlling taxes and spending to reduce the deficit. He advocates for extending the Trump tax cuts, stopping the taxation of tip income and Social Security payments, and achieving energy independence to lower costs.

“Connecticut needs policies that make life affordable and sustainable for its residents,” Corey stated. “We must build a strong economy by supporting our manufacturers and ensuring fair taxation.”

Education Reform

Gerry Smith: Smith loves education—so much so that he thinks schools need more money and parents need more choices. He supports increased funding for public schools, school vouchers, charter schools, and innovative approaches to better prepare students for the workforce.

“Every child deserves access to a high-quality education, regardless of their zip code,” Smith declared. “We need to invest in our schools and provide parents with choices that best suit their children’s needs.”

Matthew Corey: Corey’s focus is on expanding apprenticeship programs to increase job opportunities. He believes practical skills training is essential for Connecticut’s youth to thrive in the job market.

“By expanding apprenticeship programs, we can bridge the gap between education and employment, ensuring our youth are job-ready,” Corey emphasized.


Gerry Smith: Smith proposes a healthcare system that enhances competition to lower costs. He supports repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act with more flexible, state-driven solutions. Additionally, Smith advocates for policies to reduce prescription drug prices and improve access to healthcare services.

“Healthcare should be affordable and accessible to all,” Smith emphasized. “We need to move away from one-size-fits-all solutions and allow states to tailor their healthcare systems to their unique needs.”

Matthew Corey: Corey aims to support Connecticut’s private insurance industry while making healthcare affordable for all. He advocates for maintaining a balance between government support and private sector involvement.

“Supporting our private insurance industry is key to maintaining a competitive and comprehensive healthcare system,” Corey stated.


Gerry Smith: Smith’s stance on immigration includes comprehensive reform that secures the borders and offers a pathway to citizenship for those who meet specific criteria. He stresses the importance of strict enforcement of immigration laws to ensure national security.

“We are a nation of immigrants, but we must uphold the rule of law,” Smith explained. “Comprehensive reform is necessary to balance security and compassion.”

Matthew Corey: Corey is firm on securing the border, finishing the wall, and reinstating the “Remain in Mexico” policy for asylum seekers. He advocates for deporting illegal aliens who commit crimes and ending sanctuary cities and states.

“Securing our border is crucial for national security,” Corey declared. “We must enforce our laws and ensure that those who commit crimes are deported.”

National Security

Gerry Smith: Smith calls for a robust military and increased defense spending. He also supports initiatives to enhance cybersecurity and protect critical infrastructure from emerging threats.

“National security is paramount,” Smith asserted. “We must be proactive in defending our nation and our allies from all forms of aggression.”

Matthew Corey: Corey’s national security stance includes supporting Israel, stopping coddling of Iran and its terrorist proxies, and rebuilding the military for 21st-century challenges.

“We must adopt a stance of peace through strength,” Corey emphasized. “Our military needs to be prepared for modern threats, and we must support our allies unequivocally.”

The Importance of Voter Turnout

Despite the steep uphill battle of unseating Chris Murphy, voter turnout remains crucial. On a December episode of the “A Political Life” podcast Political strategist Bradley Tusk, with all the gravitas of a high school guidance counselor, highlighted the importance of primary elections and the impact of low turnout.

“Primaries are essential for shaping the choices available to voters in the general election,” Tusk stated, undoubtedly nodding wisely. “When citizens don’t participate in primaries, it can lead to less representative outcomes and a lack of accountability for elected officials.”

Voting Information

Early voting for the Republican primary begins today, August 5th, and runs through Sunday, August 11th, at the Town Hall Pavilion (1 Monteith Drive). Here are the hours:

  • Monday, 8/5: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday, 8/6: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday, 8/7: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday, 8/8: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Friday, 8/9: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Saturday, 8/10: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Sunday, 8/11: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Curbside voting is available for voters with mobility issues. For any questions, contact Ann Newbury, Republican Registrar of Voters, at 860-675-2378.

On August 13th, all regular polling locations in Farmington will be open from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Voters can find their specific polling places using the State of Connecticut’s Voter Registration Lookup or by contacting the Registrar of Voters at Farmington Town Hall.

The Road Ahead

As Gerry Smith and Matthew Corey duke it out for the Republican nomination, this primary serves as a fascinating microcosm of Connecticut’s political landscape. Will Smith’s polished resume and confident declarations win the day, or will Corey’s gritty determination and blue-collar appeal resonate more with voters?

For Smith, this primary is a platform to showcase his leadership and vision for Connecticut’s future. With detailed policy proposals and a commitment to bipartisan cooperation, Smith aims to resonate with voters seeking pragmatic and effective governance.

“Connecticut deserves a senator who will fight for their interests and bring common-sense solutions to Washington,” Smith concluded, likely while picturing himself shaking hands with adoring constituents. “I believe I am that candidate, and I am ready to serve.”

For Corey, the primary is an opportunity to demonstrate his unwavering dedication to his community and country. His background as a veteran and a businessman provides a unique perspective on the challenges faced by Connecticut’s residents.

“As a lifelong resident and business owner, I understand the issues that matter most to our community,” Corey stated. “I am committed to fighting for policies that will make our lives better and our country stronger.”

As Farmington residents head to the polls, the significance of their participation cannot be overstated. The choices made in this primary will shape the political discourse and influence the direction of the state and nation in the years to come. So, mark your calendars, set your alarms, and don’t forget to vote. Because, as always, democracy is a team sport, and we’re all on the field.


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